Covert Entry & Lock Picking


Covert Entry & Lock Picking

The most obvious question everyone asks is: why would I need to know this?

My response is that there are a few reasons. The first is that you may want to get into something and not want to destroy the entry barrier (door/locks/windows/etc...) in the process. Imaging some of these scenarios:

  • that you have locked your keys in your car or home

  • that you are trying to enter an old storage area that hasn’t been used in years

  • or that once you learn how easy many locks are to bypass, break or pick that you might choose to select a different security system

  • or that if you find yourself in an escape scenario (part of escape & evasion training) you might want to not create a lot of noise as you exit or seek entry

  • or that you find yourself having to help rescue someone in a bad situation

There are in fact many non-nefarious (illegal) reasons to know how to open locks and various security systems. We are all about ethical use of anything, including the self-defense techniques we teach.

One of the more eye opening things that happens during the course is that students realize just how vulnerable their valuables, home and cars might be, causing them to make different choices to secure their family and belongings.
